09 December, 2006

C is for Casino Royale

Mood: Tired and unwell
Currently listening to: Chris Cornell - You Know My Name

Casino Royale happens to be the first Bond film I've seen since I turned critique-of-the-world, thus I cannot provide any comparison whatsoever to the previous Bond movies.

But when you look at the older Bond movies, we can clearly see that the opening was better; there was less gadgets; the Bond girl was more French and more gorgeous; the stunts weren't CGed and actually real + more.

I have three words: See it. It is really good.

I guess that was a little more than three words.

**WARNING: Counter-Strike fans will experience intense deja vu and/or withdrawal symptoms from doing something other than playing Counter-Strike during the embassy raid scene.

And yes, I said I was in no position to compare then I compared. I DIVIDED BY ZERO... O SHI-


jayjayne said...

I have watched this movie, it is the same as all Bond formats: he blows stuff up, he gets the girl, he blows stuff up.


Bluekirby said...

C is for Champion ^^ I really, *really* liked Casino Royale (although you summed up why a lot more succinctly than I did :P)

Em. ^^

cruXis said...

You compared it to other Bond films when you said:

Less gadgetry; Best opening of a Bond film evar.

heh. I'm just being picky :P

Great blog, although I want more satire :P

gwo said...

more like ASSino royale HAHA HAHA ./sarcasm>

hmmm $115 mirrion dorrah!!

edit: ZOMG not allowed sarcasm tags ><"