01 December, 2006

There is no C in Kazakhstan

Mood: Woozy
Currently listening to: The Kazakhstan National Anthem (with Potassium)

The controversy over the character Borat and his movie, Borat: blah blah make glorious pancakes or something blah has been pretty hot lately. Hot on the news, hot on the internet forums, hot in the oven, and many people have been asking, "Is it fake? Is it real?". Friends, I have always been a faithful Baron-cohenist, and I have never doubted for one bit that many of his encounters (while in character) were truly unscripted and a testament to the sheer bigotry of many Americans.

The joke is not on Kazakhstan. I think the joke is on people who can
believe that the Kazakhstan that I describe can exist -- who believe that
there's a country where homosexuals wear blue hats and the women live in cages
and they drink fermented horse urine and the age of consent has been raised to
nine years old.In actuality, it turns out that Borat is a far more damning
critique of America than it is of Kazakhstan.

The jokes that Baron Cohen mentions above -- and all the rest about beating
gypsies, throwing Jews down wells, exporting pubic hair and making monkey porn
-- are clearly parody. But the America that Borat discovers on his cross-country
trek here -- rife with homophobia, xenophobia, racism, classism and
anti-Semitism -- is all too real.

Sacha Baron Cohen speaks at last:
In addition, this article has my recommendation and seal of approval for being a piece of Fine Journalism, with a capital F. And a J. Yes. It is very likely that I will archive it and one day read it to my grandchildren and tell them about how one man made all of America look like a fool.


jayjayne said...

Beautiful work!

*I salute j00*
