16 December, 2006

There is no C in Happy Feet

Mood: %_&*
Currently listening to: 弦子.. OMG ASIAN ARTIST?!??/

NEWSFLASH: My buddy gwo has just started a blog. Him and I will both be co-authoring on both our blogs. So you may occasionally see something written by him. I like his style. Also, head over to his blog cuz its a good read. Don't worry, there's none of that teenybopper "I gotta tell the whole world about everyday of my life because I'm too ignorant to realize that nobody cares and/or reads my blog" crap.

Ok. Christmas season is closing in and people are going a bit crazy. To be honest, Christmas has actually come behind me like a sneaky thief with max level Sneak and aimed itself a nice backstab into my back (um, well I didn't know a backstab could go anywhere else o_o?).

This afternoon I humbly went to have dinner with family friends, much to the surprise of every aunty and uncle that was there. During dinner, an aunty brought up the issue of the comedy animated film Happy Feet. Apparently this film is Australian produced, and with confirmation from Wikipedia, the most reliable information source on the Internet (ha, ha, ha, sarcasm), it indeed is an Australian movie.

However, there are two issues with this film that have attracted my attention as a journalist. First of all, is the fact that this film, albeit Australian, was released first in the US. What is up with that? The aunty was discussing this point over dinner, and it was at that very moment (drumroll with laser sound effects), that I realised, "I am finding conversation with adults to be attractive and appealing to me as an intellectual. Does this mean... that I have... grown up? O SHI-". I tried very hard to hide my shock, and luckily none of the adults noticed my panicky shifty-eyes and gaping mouth. To further direct attention away from myself at the dinner table, I yelled, "Look over there!" and pointed to a painting on the wall, then said, "Isn't that a lovely painting? Who's it by?" Needless to say, this did not really happen, but I rule out no possibilities after being voted "Guy most likely to do anything" by LIER magazine.

So, back to the issue at hand. Why was this Australian film released in the US in mid-November, and only coming out to our cinemas on Boxing Day? I wonder. A family friend mused, "They're probably using it as a Christmas film." I should have complemented the young lady for her deduction. At the time, I was too busy enjoying my bok choy to process all my thoughts.

And thus we are brought to the second point in this evening's two-point agenda (Please note: That was a Futurama reference). I am actually very interested how this film is even related to Christmas. We can rule out any possible relation to the birth of Jesus. What I want to know is how this has anything to do with the birth of Santa. Ha, ha, ha? It's funny because my speculation is zero. Absolute zero (Please note: That was a scientific reference). I don't mean to be a little over-critical, but I just have to, so, I will. I mean, the damn film is set in Antartica. Last time I checked, Santa lived in the North Pole (aka. The Arctic). And who are the stars? The main characters of this film are a bunch of Emperor Penguins. What was the producer thinking?

This is the state of our media, dear readers. This is one of the reasons why the Chasers exist. It is a small sacrifice for great satire, isn't it? Your answer may be yes, but my answer is no. This is an absolutely pathetic reflection on the people who were involved in marketing this film. Thanks to this, I also know what I want for Christmas: A bullet and a gun. I would like this film-maker to meet his maker (pun - unintended; grievous bodily harm - intended) for making this crappy film. I would have been a little more forgiving if he chose a better name, but calling it Happy Feet just sealed its fate.

The Australia film industry has sold out to the USA. People will say to me, "Welcome to 3 years ago. War on Iraq, duh," and I will reply to them, "Get with the times. This is the war on idiocy."